Hey Coach Latest Version APK for Android

Hey Coach apk
Hey Coach apk

Soccer coaching app that keeps track of player shifts during the game. Hey Coach is offered by Klokk Projects. Last Updated: May 31, 2016. Current Version: 1.37

This is an app for you who’s a soccer/football coach or team leader. The app will hold the complete tournament setup for the season with all matches, teams and players configured. You can easily add players to a team and identify them with pictures, names and numbers.

The app is especially useful leading the youngsters as they always are eager to get an equal amount of playing time. The app will set a timer on each player and will graphically show you the progress. During the game you will keep track of goals and goalscorers with a single click. Injuries or ad-hoc players are handled without affecting your regular team setup.

In the live view the app will notify you whenever players are due for shifts and will let all of them get their fair share of available playing time.The event view lets you see what happened during the game in retrospective.

You can now focus on the game and let the app lead your team from victory to victory. All in the “Fair Play” spirit.

A lot of you coaches are tired of all the follow-up before and after the matches. You spend a lot of time sending texts and emails to remind players and parents of new games coming up. With this app you can auto generate standard messages and send them out to your team in a matter of seconds. You can send attendance requests before a match, status messages during the match and a final match report after the match.

A built-in tournament generator can set up a group tournament for you. This is still in beta. Other tournament types might follow.

In some regions you can import complete tournament setups directly from iCalendar files. Some football associations will let you download these files directly from their web sites, ie. fotball.no

Latest Updates

– A new fast Single Match registration is added. No need to prepare a full tournament to get startet when you only need to lead a single match. Only a few steps neccessary.

– Fixed wrong timing when changing status in edit liveplayer.

– Oh, all the bugs…


Hey Coach 2017

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Hey Coach for Android

Download Hey Coach for Android

Download Hey Coach APK for Android

Hey Coach 1.37 screenshot

Hey Coach screenshot 0Hey Coach screenshot 1Hey Coach screenshot 2Hey Coach screenshot 3Hey Coach screenshot 4Hey Coach screenshot 5Hey Coach screenshot 6

Detail information and download apk file: https://goo.gl/x1xIuJ

Android Sports Apps download https://goo.gl/O8YsFz

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