Forza Bhora Latest Version APK for Android

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Keep up-to-date with the five-a-side football league in Harare, Zimbabwe. Forza Bhora is offered by C2 Media. Last Updated: April 26, 2016. Current Version: 1.2

Forza Bhora which means Come on Football in Italian/Shona started at the Italian club in Strathaven, Harare in 2011.

We started with one grass pitch with 8 teams playing one night a week, three years later, in 2013 we had 3 pitches and 24 teams playing.

In 2014 we installed brand new artificial turf on two of the three pitches.

Forza Bhora is professionally managed, with trained referees and on-field First Aid available.

Facilities include:

2 x pitches laid with state of the art FT40 SLIDE artificial turf
1 x grass pitch
Spectator stands
Shower and change room facilities
Fully licensed bar and restaurant
As Zimbabwe’s premier 5-a-side football league – our vision is to have first class facilities to allow play every night of the week, grow the league to include youth, masters, ladies and corporate leagues – whilst providing the opportunity for skills development and coaching.

But most importantly our mission is to have FUN.

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Forza Bhora 2017

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Forza Bhora for Android

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Forza Bhora 1.2 screenshot

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