TravTid – Tidtagare för trav Latest Version APK for Android

download TravTid - Tidtagare för trav apk
download TravTid – Tidtagare för trav apk

TravTid functions as a stopwatch with interval function and kilometer pace. TravTid – Tidtagare för trav is offered by Erik Berg. Last Updated: April 16, 2016. Current Version: 1.0.3

With TravTid use your smartphone as three separate stopwatch in one.

1. Stopwatch – Use your smartphone as a stopwatch.
2. Medium Speed ​​- Specify the distance of the race (for example 2140m). Start timing and stop it at the specified distance is counted medium pace out (in min / km).
3. Tempo Interval – Enter the interval (eg 500m). To start the time and press the range button every 500 meters as shown interval pace in a table that makes it easy to compare the different intervals.

You can also use TravTid as a combination of all three functions by entering the distance and distance learning. You will then receive the total time for the race, medium tempo, and interval times for selected intervals.

This is a perfect tool for those who are interested in traveling and want to take time for training and competition at the side of the track.

You do not need to use complicated conversion tables or calculate yourself kilometer pace.

For the driver there is also Travelodge Tempo showing kilometer in real time while driving.

What’s New

Mindre uppdateringar. I vissa telefoner kommer skärmen att vara på så länge man tar tid.


TravTid – Tidtagare för trav 2017

Download TravTid – Tidtagare för trav

Download TravTid – Tidtagare för trav APK

TravTid – Tidtagare för trav for Android

Download TravTid – Tidtagare för trav for Android

Download TravTid – Tidtagare för trav APK for Android

TravTid – Tidtagare för trav 1.0.3 screenshot

TravTid - Tidtagare för trav screenshot 0TravTid - Tidtagare för trav screenshot 1TravTid - Tidtagare för trav screenshot 2

TravTid – Tidtagare för trav apk video

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