Sport Events Latest Version APK for Android

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of Sporting Events Organization. Sport Events is offered by pcwebsolutions. Last Updated: April 15, 2016. Current Version: 0.1


– Platforms for Events
– Ticket Online Subscriptions
– Timing & Results Service
– Customization Dorsal
– Graphics Jobs
– Flyers creation


The Sport Events has been monitoring the evolution of sports events in Portugal with great athletics area focus and trail running, which has been growing. Our mission is focused on helping organizations to facilitate their tasks regarding the organization of events. Continuously striving to improve and provide support increasingly easier and improved systems, leaving the part of complications and solutions a distance of a click.

Our goal is to facilitate the entire flow of your event, starting from the participant’s registration, follow the necessary logistics tasks, timing during the day of the event, release of results and after the event. This whole process flow is through an integrated system developed by us and that can be adapted to specific needs of each event.

We also have several partnerships over time, with which we in our projects on a day-to-day order to provide each event organizer the largest number of services and possible solutions.


Sport Events 2017

Download Sport Events APK

Sport Events for Android

Download Sport Events for Android

Download Sport Events APK for Android

Sport Events 0.1 screenshot

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Android Sports Apps download

BoBell Basketball Academy Latest Version APK for Android

BoBell Basketball Academy apk
BoBell Basketball Academy apk

Coach Bo Bell has been a Master Basketball Trainer for over 30 years. BoBell Basketball Academy is offered by Wireless1Marketing Group LLC. Last Updated: April 15, 2016. Current Version: 1.0

Coach Bo Bell has been a Master Trainer for over 30 years. He developed his training program from the experiences he received as professional player (CBA, NBA, and Europe).

Coach Bo and his staff brings a unique style of training that all starts with the feet. Having good footwork is the foundation to do anything on the court and to become an elite player. Good footwork leads to:

Getting to places on the court were the dribble can’t

Explosive offensive moves

Havoc defense

Elusive movement without the ball

In addition to developing extraordinary footwork in our players, we simultaneously train them in the following areas:


Ball Handling

Speed & Agility

Strength & Conditioning

This app will allow you to learn more about Coach Bo Bell’s Basketball Academy, get directs to our gym, send us a message and more..


BoBell Basketball Academy 2017

BoBell Basketball Academy 1.0 screenshot

BoBell Basketball Academy screenshot 0BoBell Basketball Academy screenshot 1BoBell Basketball Academy screenshot 2BoBell Basketball Academy screenshot 3BoBell Basketball Academy screenshot 4

Android Sports Apps download

RoadBIKE Werkstatt Latest Version APK for Android

RoadBIKE Werkstatt download
RoadBIKE Werkstatt download

Zahlreiche Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen fürs Schrauben am Bike!. RoadBIKE Werkstatt is offered by Motor Presse Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG CBD. Last Updated: April 15, 2016. Current Version: 1.1.1

Mit der RoadBIKE Werkstatt-App bekommen Biker ein mobiles Nachschlagewerk rund ums Schrauben an die Hand. Die zahlreichen Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen für die verschiedensten Bike-Reparaturen, Bike-Einstellungen und Tuning-Maßnahmen bieten sowohl Einsteigern als auch ambitionierten Tüftlern praktische Hilfe an Ort und Stelle.

Hilfreiche Bilderläuterungen:
Detailgenau zeigt die App die einzelnen Schritte im Bild und erklärt sie ausführlich.

Übersichtliche Listen mit dem benötigten Material und dem richtigen Werkzeug zeigen dem Nutzer, ob er für die jeweilige Maßnahme richtig ausgestattet ist.

Zu jeder Reparatur zeigt die App den ungefähren Zeitbedarf und den Schwierigkeitsgrad an.

Mit Hilfe der Suchfunktion kann der Nutzer in den Anleitungen gezielt nach Detail-Infos suchen.

Beispiele aus dem Inhalt:
Schaltwerks-Übersetzung ändern, Schutzbleche korrekt anbringen, Pannen-Tipps, Verpacken von Rennrädern, Frühlingscheck, Reifen montieren, eine umfangreiche Liste an Werkzeugen für die komplette Werkstatt und vieles mehr.


RoadBIKE Werkstatt APK

Download RoadBIKE Werkstatt

Download RoadBIKE Werkstatt APK

RoadBIKE Werkstatt for Android

Download RoadBIKE Werkstatt for Android

Download RoadBIKE Werkstatt APK for Android

RoadBIKE Werkstatt 1.1.1 screenshot

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Android Sports Apps download

RoadBIKE Trainer Latest Version APK for Android

RoadBIKE Trainer download
RoadBIKE Trainer download

Optimize your Bike training with individual plans of Tim Boehme!. RoadBIKE Trainer is offered by Motor Presse Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG CBD. Last Updated: April 15, 2016. Current Version: 1.2.1

Optimize your Bike training with individual training plans of Road Bike Coach Tim Boehme! Road Bike Trainer offers over 30 different training plans, designed and tuned to different power levels and athletic goals. Choose from different categories such as “Fit in 6 weeks”, Alpencross preparation, training or cycling marathon training camp and be coached in your personal training areas. Road Bike Trainer reminds you desire to your daily workouts and transfers the units into your personal calendar. So you do not miss any unit and have the diary function is always the current training progress at a glance.
Tim Boehme lives cycling training. He is a fitness expert at Road Bike, author of the bestseller “ROAD TRAINING” and reigning German champions in mountain bike marathon. As co-founder of the Radlabors, the institute for professional performance diagnostics, seat position analysis and training advice, he makes passionate racing cyclists of all ages and levels of fitness.

What’s New

Wir haben ein paar Fehler im Layout und behoben und die Texte aktualisiert, um das Nutzungserlebnis der App noch besser zu machen.


RoadBIKE Trainer 2017

Download RoadBIKE Trainer APK

RoadBIKE Trainer for Android

Download RoadBIKE Trainer for Android

Download RoadBIKE Trainer APK for Android

RoadBIKE Trainer 1.2.1 screenshot

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See detail information and download apk file:

Android Sports Apps download

Мастерская райдера Latest Version APK for Android

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Мастерская райдера apk

Repair and maintenance of mountain bike: transmission, brakes, suspension, etc. Мастерская райдера is offered by Motor Presse Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG CBD. Last Updated: April 15, 2016. Current Version: 1.0.1

Appendix “Workshop”, released in Russian edited by the famous German MountainBIKE Magazin specifically to the exit of the pilot issue of “Rider” will help fans of mountain biking keep your bike in good order and master the basic skills of its repair.
In a series of beautifully illustrated materials with step by step instructions and a list of necessary tools professionals talk about the repair and maintenance of transmission, brakes, suspension, wheels, and provide valuable tips on rapid diagnosis and seasonal bike tuning, care and even cycling wear proper planting .
By getting rid of squeaks in the suspension and steering column, bleed and adjust the brakes, self-service spending suspension fork, replacing the worn chain and cassette, straighten eight RV – Not only do you get so much more pleasure from his bike, which also will be a lot closer to you but you feel like a real professional mountain biking,
Stay tuned for the application! We will regularly add new material. But that’s not all: we launched the magazine “Rider” in each room where you will find the section “Workshop” with the new instructions and illustrations, as well as the section “Tuning” for lovers of exclusivity. At the same time we are always open to new ideas and co-creation – go to our website, contact us at, communicate with us in facebook and twitter (RiderMag), as well as leading bicycle online sites.


Мастерская райдера 2017

Мастерская райдера 1.0.1 screenshot

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Android Sports Apps download

MountainBIKE Werkstatt Latest Version APK for Android

MountainBIKE Werkstatt apk
MountainBIKE Werkstatt apk

Numerous step-by-step instructions for the bolts on the bike!. MountainBIKE Werkstatt is offered by Motor Presse Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG CBD. Last Updated: April 15, 2016. Current Version: 1.2.1

With the MountainBIKE workshop App mountain bikers get a mobile reference around screws on the hand. The numerous step-by-step instructions for a variety of bike repairs, bike settings and tuning measures offer both beginners and ambitious tinkerers practical help on the spot.

Helpful captions:
Detail Exactly the app displays the individual steps in the picture and explains it in detail.

Equipment check:
Clear lists of the necessary materials and the right tools to show the user whether he is properly equipped for the particular measure.

For each repair, the app shows the approximate time required and the difficulty level.

Using the search function, the user can search in the instructions for specific detailed information.

Examples of the content:
Set circuit switch bottom bracket, brake bleed, change trains, go fork, wait Fork, Spring Check, tubeless assembly and adjust the seat position and much more.


MountainBIKE Werkstatt APK

Download MountainBIKE Werkstatt

Download MountainBIKE Werkstatt APK

MountainBIKE Werkstatt for Android

Download MountainBIKE Werkstatt for Android

Download MountainBIKE Werkstatt APK for Android

MountainBIKE Werkstatt 1.2.1 screenshot

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Android Sports Apps download

CAVALLO Giftpflanzenbestimmung Latest Version APK for Android

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download CAVALLO Giftpflanzenbestimmung apk

The 70 most dangerous for horses poisonous plants – images, symptoms, first aid. CAVALLO Giftpflanzenbestimmung is offered by Motor Presse Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG CBD. Last Updated: April 15, 2016. Current Version: 1.2.1

Which plant must not eat my horse? Nearly 100 photos and detailed descriptions help to identify poisonous plants quickly to protect the health of their horse.
The Giftpflanzen app offers plump Botany knowledge: What can bloom in meadows and paddocks and hurt horses? Spring flowering as crocus and narcissus. In summer follow ragwort and poppy, autumn angel’s trumpet or autumn crocus. And around paddock or stall? Since threats can occur by evergreen plants such as ivy or book. Even hedge plants or trees such as horse chestnut, maple or beech can be found in this compendium.
The poisonous plants Guide shows riders at a glance: How toxic is the plant are small amounts of deadly? Leaves, fruits, roots or bark: What is the most dangerous? And to which characteristics such as size, leaf or flower shape I can recognize the plant clearly? Plus food tips: Is the plant itself as roughage in the hay still toxic? For each of the 70 plants poisonous plants app lists the answers to clearly and in detail, as are typical symptoms of intoxication and tips for first aid.
The Giftpflanzen app also shows what observations help your vet in advance and how to behave properly in poisoning emergency.

Note: We have received from users of smartphones HTC One M8 feedback that there are problems with the installation of CAVALLO Giftpflanzen App. If you own a mobile phone of this type, you proceed as follows:

– Go to “Settings” => “Apps” => “Google Play Store”
– Under “Cache” “Cache Select empty”
– Try to install the app again


CAVALLO Giftpflanzenbestimmung 2017

Download CAVALLO Giftpflanzenbestimmung

Download CAVALLO Giftpflanzenbestimmung APK

CAVALLO Giftpflanzenbestimmung for Android

Download CAVALLO Giftpflanzenbestimmung for Android

Download CAVALLO Giftpflanzenbestimmung APK for Android

CAVALLO Giftpflanzenbestimmung 1.2.1 screenshot

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Android Sports Apps download

Cavallo ReitCoach Latest Version APK for Android

download Cavallo ReitCoach apk
download Cavallo ReitCoach apk

Enliven and enrich your equestrian training with the Cavallo Equestrian Coach!. Cavallo ReitCoach is offered by Motor Presse Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG CBD. Last Updated: April 15, 2016. Current Version: 1.1.1

Enliven the daily training, new challenges and solve problems – with the Cavallo riding coach now come there faster! The app brings riders at every level of variety and stimulation. The detailed instructions in text and images are by smartphone at any time – even in the stable and in the arena.

The package of 44 clever exercise episodes, successful strategies and demanding challenges is divided into seven categories:

First base for good riding
2 improve manners
3 training from the ground
4 Clever gymnasticise
Improve rideability 5
6 poles and pylons
Overcome obstacles 7

Each exercise contains versatile and detailed instructions in text and image information on the degree of difficulty, the necessary equipment for horse and rider, the optimal training location and any necessary prerequisites and necessary accessories.

The creative and often unusual ideas are the favorite lessons from celebrity trainers from all areas of cavalry. With this, for example dressage professional Michael Putz, the connoisseurs of classical Eberhard White and Dr. Thomas Ritter, Baroque instructor Christian and Wolfgang Krischke of the Riding School Biickeburg, Western trainer Linda Leckebusch, the Horsemen Berni Zambail and Peter Krein mountain and freedom dressage Frédéric Pignon-Stars and Kenzie Dysli.

What’s New

Das Update behebt einen Fehler, der die App beim Start zum Absturz gebracht hat.


Cavallo ReitCoach 2017

Cavallo ReitCoach 1.1.1 screenshot

Cavallo ReitCoach screenshot 0Cavallo ReitCoach screenshot 1Cavallo ReitCoach screenshot 2Cavallo ReitCoach screenshot 3Cavallo ReitCoach screenshot 4

Android Sports Apps download

Tour of Croatia Latest Version APK for Android

Tour of Croatia apk
Tour of Croatia apk

Tour of Croatia official Android application. Tour of Croatia is offered by CROZ d.o.o.. Last Updated: April 15, 2016. Current Version: 0.1.3

Follow the Tour of Croatia 2016 with official race app developed by CROZ. Discover all the routes, teams and riders before the start of the race and check out results and classifications for each stage during the race, from April 19th to 24th. Don’t miss out breaking news from the race and opportunity to enjoy many beautiful scenes captured on the over 1000 kilometers long route along the Adriatic coast, Istria and the Croatian inland.
You can be part of the race no matter where you are.


Tour of Croatia 2017

Tour of Croatia 0.1.3 screenshot

Tour of Croatia screenshot 0Tour of Croatia screenshot 1Tour of Croatia screenshot 2Tour of Croatia screenshot 3

Android Sports Apps download

Bahis Hesap Makinesi Latest Version APK for Android

Bahis Hesap Makinesi download
Bahis Hesap Makinesi download

Bookmakers Bet Calculator. Bahis Hesap Makinesi is offered by Teldef. Last Updated: April 15, 2016. Current Version:

Betting Bet Calculator.

your odds, to do several times, winning, losing and enter your bank match.

You coupon amount, up to how much you can win, you say that your chances of winning How much you earn and how much now.

Additional New Features
1. Saving Coupons
2. Create the bet coupon program

I would ask you to share your thoughts, I continued to develop.

What’s New

Bazı hatalar düzeltildi


Bahis Hesap Makinesi 2017

Download Bahis Hesap Makinesi

Download Bahis Hesap Makinesi APK

Bahis Hesap Makinesi for Android

Download Bahis Hesap Makinesi for Android

Download Bahis Hesap Makinesi APK for Android

Bahis Hesap Makinesi screenshot

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See more information and download apk file for your android phone:

Android Sports Apps download