Skipper Checklist Latest Version APK for Android

Skipper Checklist download
Skipper Checklist download

Procedures for the skipper to face maneuvers, emergencies or critical situations. Skipper Checklist is offered by Nicola Di Stefano. Last Updated: April 05, 2016. Current Version: 1.3.1

Thanks to the more than 200 menus and popup SKIPPER 150 CHECKLIST, all sailors and sailors will have at hand the main and emergency operating procedures to follow, you, during both normal operations that the most critical situations.

SKIPPER CHECKLIST application is particularly suitable for vessel owners, skippers, the co-skipper and, more generally, all those who wish to go boating in a more knowledgeable and safe.

Each screen SKIPPER CHECKLIST is built in the form of menus with options that gradually descend deeper into more detail to guide best skipper in the choice of the steps you should take in a given situation.

CHECKLIST SKIPPER is a lightweight application that uses very little space and battery. Once downloaded, all the information is loaded on your smartphone or tablet, so you can work without the need for any telephone connection or WiFi.

Every situation is different boat and must therefore be addressed in a different way. These procedures can then be useful only if you consult with the necessary common sense from practice, from training and experience of the skipper and his crew.

Latest Updates

1. Risoluzione di problemi tecnici e miglioramenti delle prestazioni.

2. Aggiunta la chiamata telefonica rapida al numero 1530.

3. Aggiornato il contenuto della cassetta di pronto soccorso secondo la nuova normativa appena uscita.

4. Aggiunte nuove Checklist :ancoraggio a vela, virata in prua e in poppa, presa di gavitello a vela e a motore

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Skipper Checklist APK

Download Skipper Checklist

Download Skipper Checklist APK

Skipper Checklist for Android

Download Skipper Checklist for Android

Download Skipper Checklist APK for Android

Skipper Checklist 1.3.1 screenshot

Skipper Checklist screenshot 0Skipper Checklist screenshot 1Skipper Checklist screenshot 2Skipper Checklist screenshot 3Skipper Checklist screenshot 4Skipper Checklist screenshot 5Skipper Checklist screenshot 6Skipper Checklist screenshot 7Skipper Checklist screenshot 8Skipper Checklist screenshot 9Skipper Checklist screenshot 10Skipper Checklist screenshot 11Skipper Checklist screenshot 12Skipper Checklist screenshot 13Skipper Checklist screenshot 14Skipper Checklist screenshot 15

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